Category Archives: Advice

Sometimes it’s best to get an opinion of someone you don’t know. That someone is me. Click “Contact” up on the menu and set up a time to talk to me. I can help! Why not? (no spaces)

Why We Should Be Rooted To The Ground

Ever feel out of control?  You are so busy, you can’t keep up or you...

How To Love Yourself

Do you love you?  How do you know? Looking at your daily commitments is one...

8 Secrets To Make Your Family FUN Today!!

I grew up in a fun family.  What did my parents do right?  And how...

What Happened Days of Easy “Just” Picking College?

I went to an 8th Grade, pre high school meeting where we heard all about...

Which Parent Will I Be?

Not much money to be made in poetry these days.  But WOW, some of the...

Today is All We Have!

As Ghandi said, “In the midst of darkness, light persists.” Be persistent in the pursuit of...

The Wife Who Wanted To Be 6 again….

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife, who was...

Holiday Story About Having An Open Heart

My Dad lived his life with a full cup.  He always made friends and family...

Parent Advice #154: Kids Need to Share Opinion

Parent Advice #154: Kids Need to Share Opinion If there is one thing I’m actively...

How To Appreciate What You Have

I live in an area where everyone “Wants…” I want a bigger house! I want...

Best Quote From The Movie “Frozen”

Kids movies these days are sometimes more fun than adult films!  The writing is so...

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