3 Daily Goals to Live Long Life.
Want to live a long life? Do these three things Daily!
Here is the skinny. I met a quiet humble doctor at the airport who made a comment about the beans he was eating. I asked further and he said the following:
I just read a completed University study (he never said where but as a doctor he reads everything published for other doctors (not on the internet) that concluded we need three things to live a healthy long life:
- Eat Beans every day.
- Walk 12 miles every day.
- Work at a job where you don’t sit down.
I have the last two covered, but I don’t eat beans because I don’t like their texture in my mouth. Weird? Freaky? Fetishy? I don’t know…but it’s interesting to think about.
Then again…I love my life, but I know I’m falling apart the older I get…so that means I don’t want to live THAT long. So leaving beans out for me will be the balance.
Recipes with Beans!
Wanda’s Best Chili.
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