Best Gift To Give A Person Who Wants Nothing


“What is the Best Gift To Give A Person Who Doesn’t want anything?”

“Ugh!”  I hear it all the time!!

“It’s her birthday!  What do I get her?”

“It’s his birthday!  What do I get him?”

He/she has everything.  What can you buy or possible to do make their day/life a bit more special?

When it comes to gifts everyone always thinks “Money” “Store” “Buy”

Those are all fine and good for the normal person…but when someone already has so much, the best gift to give is something we all have so little of:


(Oh please tell me you aren’t thinking about a watch??  Think bigger!)

timeThe best gift to give anyone is: The gift of YOUR time.  Because it is a portion of your life that you give to someone that you can never, ever get back.  It’s a true gift.

That gift and come in many different forms:

My favorite form?  A love letter.  Even to a same sex friend or parent.   Hand write it.  Start with the words, “Dear….”  and end with “Love,  ”  Start the sentences with “You are so awesome because…”  “You are so beautiful because…”  “I think you are a special person because…”  “You light up my life because…”

Tell the person all the reasons why you like them and why you are glad they are in your life.

Then if you can either mail it or hide it somewhere that you know they will look and find it.

Hands down this love the letter is the best gift anyone can receive.  Cause it’s a letter that contains words all about THEM.  And what do people like more than anything?  Things about themselves!  You will fill so many needs, but the greatest need you will fill is that you will make that other person feel special and important.  And how much does writing a letter cost YOU?

Nothing.  Except a stamp.

The other gift of time is inviting another to join you in a meal.  Be it one you make or one you take them out too.

It’s your time. And time is the one thing that people can’t buy.  But it’s free to give.

Give of your time and you will get so much more back!

Another idea to give a gift to someone who has everything!
And for a Mom or girl…try this one!
or the best gift for a child?  (this one is GREAT!!  But you can’t give it till…well…read and you will see!!

And if you have a good one to send to me or share? Click here!


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