I was at work when Robert Palmer’s – Simply Irresistible blasted on the screens.
I used to LOVE this video. Not really the song, but the girls in the background.
They were so interesting to watch that I’m going to say the reason it was so successful was of that video.
The girls were dark haired, great bodies and had a ‘I don’t care” attitude about them which made it all the more facinating to watch. Like I was hoping and waiting to catch on of them smile or act like she cared. Very “Stepford Wives-ish”.
So when they video that I haven’t seen in 20 years came on I thought, “Where are these girls now? What do they think of seeing their old ‘hot’ selves now?
I’m going to guess they are proud and giggling…. and even showing offspring what ‘grandma’ used to look like back in the day?
Wouldn’t it be so cool if they REDID this video with him and those girls NOW???
Either way, I love watching these old videos of singers from when they were young, sexy and so on-top-of-the-world. I’m sure they do too!
I’d love to ask…is your life different because of your music?
Or are you the same guy/girl you used to be, just older and wiser?
Check out that video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrGw_cOgwa8