My Life After Death by Eric Medhus and his Mom Elisa Review

life after death eric

My Life After Death by Eric Medhus.  Yes…the author is Dead.  I know.  Creepy. Weird.  But stay open for a moment.  That’s why you are here.

The book is actually written by Eric’s Mom, Elisa though a lady that sees dead people.  I know.  Wait.  Keep reading.  Make your full judgement later.

I have been a avid researcher into this whole life after death thing after my youngest (at 1 1/2) kept telling us all about his “other family”….and I just and to wonder…and be open to what the heck was going on…

But I hear you…

“Really?” You ask…
“Seriously?” You say…but you are still here…so…let’s continue…

Ok – I know…well…I think…we all go to heaven.  Well most of us do…even if we screw up a little bit here and there.  But then what?  If you are Catholic you believe what I believe….or you’ve bent your beliefs in whatever you do believe in order to fit your lifestyle.  (I think that’s called a “Cafeteria Catholic.”) I’m one of those now.  Either way…I have my feelings on the matter and that’s what motivates me to not strangle people that upset me.  And what I’m going to guess (cause we don’t really know do we???) is that we do come back here…or get to go someplace else really cool…depending on how you rated here during this journey.  Maybe.

So I’m constantly curious.  About the death and dying thing.  Specially those who come back after supposedly dying.  Where did they go?  What did they see??

I’ve recently been listening to books on tape.  Not because I hate reading…it’s just that when I read people assume they can just butt in and talk to me..specially at the gym.  If I’m listening on my earbuds, if I catch their eye, I get a wave.

That said, I started listening to My Life After Death by Eric Medhus.  It seemed really interesting:  A guy dies (kills himself) and comes back and tells his story…?  Right up my curiosity alley!

life after death ericHowever…in his story…I can’t remember exactly, as I had my doubts all along (and shut them down).  Maybe in chapter 3…it’s plain and clear. This author, this guy writing this book, this guy named Eric, is dead.  DEAD.  Yes.  A dead guy had written the book I was reading.  Writing it from heaven with the use of a psychic, or medium or intelligent being here on Planet Earth.  It seemed so ridiculous, I actually stopped listening to it.  I couldn’t believe this mom (that’s who sought out the book being published and who met with the psychic lady who Eric talked through…and still talks through)

Then a few weeks later…when my thoughts still kept falling back to those beginning chapters…I started listening to it again leveling with myself, “Who am I to say this story is a bunch of quackery?”

I won’t tell you any more. But by the end of “My Life After Death” I was very happy I read it…because Eric’s view (yeah I am calling the author Eric) is specific and facinating.

Do I believe it’s true?  Who am I to say Yes or No?  But books like this one continue to keep  my curiosity fed and growing.  And I just saw 275 people gave it 4.5 stars out of 5.  We can’t all be crazy?

How To Contact Heaven After Death


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