Why Vacations are so Important

laurie mcdermott travel writer

I love vacations more than anything else.  Why?

1) The minute I walk into a hotel room or booking unit, my  entire body says “ahhh” ….yeah….the daily grind is a distant memory.

2) Wherever I travel to, in my hotel or living quarters, there are no bills, to do lists, or other ‘mental things’ to tug at my conscious yelling, “Me! Me! Me!”

3) I get to play….like a kid in the land of imagination…only my land is real and in it I can discover anything and everything.

4) New.  Everything is new to my eyes. Fresh.  And ready to be indulged and explored.

5) My kids and my husband are new, too.  No homework.  No bedtimes.  Just open days of fun and being able to look at each other “out of the box”!

I’m sitting here at my computer fantasizing where to go next….specially after seeing the MasterCard “One More Day of Travel” commercial on TV this morning during the Today Show.  Even my kids were open-mouthed staring at the kids in the commercial begging parents and television listeners to please take them on a vacation….somewhere…anywhere…while they are young, before they grow up.  Just before it was over I was so excited and impressed with the message of the commercial, I hit the DVR rewind button and we watched it again.

When it was over the 2nd time there was an odd silence.   If you know me, you know the past 18 months have been difficult on my family (if you don’t, now you do!)  That said, vacations for us have been sparse.  And today I was reminded from this silly little MasterCard vacation commercial of the beliefs I’ve always known and felt just pushed aside the past almost 2 years.

Life is short.  Kids will be off with their own spouses (like tomorrow).  We get them for such a short time.  Why wouldn’t we vacation more?   And then vacation some more!  Yes.  Thank you MasterCard.  I’m in.  Um…well…I don’t exactly own a MasterCard….probably just use cash anyway…but if you have one…heck, why not?

This is the MasterCard “Travel commercial!  Watch…but be warned…vacation planning may soon happen.



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