The Devil In The White City is a great book. I even heard Leonardo Decaprio is going to star in it or bought the rights? (If you see this unedited when the film comes out – please email me to get on my game???)
If you are looking for a murder…a true story in a city that is still a bubbling place…this is your book.
I grew up in Chicago. My mom had this book in her room for months before I got my hands on it. Then it moved with me to CA and I still never read it. Then I pulled it out after one of my kids was born and I was on my butt for a bit. And wow.
“The Devil in the White City” – based in Chicago during the late 1800’s/early 1900’s is a book not to be missed!!

Amazing and so interesting.
Even Walt Disney’s dad is talked about as working at the Chicago Fair. During the making of the fair…the museums that are still standing and in working order in Chicago today, are built during this time! Amazing!!
Click this link and buy the book now!
Just a cool book. Just imagine if this ‘story’ happened in today’s world. What do I mean by that? Well…read the book! Then you’ll know!!
In today’s world, we’d all have known about the creepy main character! CNN would be all over him! Or Dateline would have featured him by now!
Can I get a producer to make this into a film please?? Or find Leo and see what he’s doing with the rights or the script???