The very best thing, a top “Must See” in Italy is Pompeii!! (If you are a video person, skip down to the video below!)
A whole town buried? From ash? People dying (frozen in dropping ash!) because they didn’t leave town when the volcano erupted? Sounds like a movie.
But it’s real life…long ago real life….79 BC real life. 2,000 years ago. Uncovered in 1748 Pompeii has to be one of THE coolest things my eyes have ever seen. (Besides ants mating.)
If you are ever near or around Rome or even in Italy. You have to go and see Pompeii with your own eyes.
It’s a real city, frozen in time (just like some people they uncovered…buried in ash so fast their body is preserved perfectly in the shape (and action) it was doing when they died.)
It’s unbelievable!
You can see where they had their stores, how they laid out their homes and even where they paid for sex. (a Brothel is in town too- right on the corner with images/paintings of what services they offer!)
If you are taking a tour from Rome, make sure it’s an ALL English speaking tour. You don’t want to sit there listening to the guide repeat the same thing over and over in 8 different languages while you sit there picking your butt (not like you’d do that in public but you know what I mean). Our guide spoke 5 languages to our bus load of people. It was so bad I actually got a refund.
And make sure you get on a tour where it only goes to Pompeii. I could have used another day or two to check things out. The tour I was on was only 2 hours at Pompeii. Not enough time for my curious-disaster-loving mind.
If you are in Italy this is a MUST SEE.
Yes or No on Bringing Kids? Sit your kids down and tell them the story of Pompeii….if they are still looking at you asking questions, they passed and can go. If they are picking their nose or playing with toe jam…leave them behind…otherwise it’s not even worth it for you to go cause you’ll miss a lot and be stressed out on losing your kid in a city of ruins. My 12 year old was in awe. It’s a trip he’s still talking about to this day. Well…it’s only been a few months…but I’m sure he’ll remember it.

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